Life is messy. And complicated. Its also heartbreakingly raw and wonderful, filled with unspeakable joy and loss… sometimes in the very same day.
I’m a wife, mom of three wonderful humans, and a person of deep and ever-evolving faith. I am a recovering evangelical, former political hack and a Republican refugee. I built a 20 year career working for national republican campaigns, candidates, and committees and their adorable baby brother, the religious right. Ive seen a lot of sh@t. I’m passionate about music, and perhaps even more passionate about words.
I have stacks of things to sort through everywhere – on my kitchen counter, on my dresser, in the hallway and most of all, in my brain. I like to think I’m hilariously funny. My friends and family might disagree, but they give me a lot of grace. Except my sister…she’s relentless.
Here’s the thing: we all make messes. I know I’m not so special. This little exercise is just my way of clearing my mental inbox without pissing off my facebook friends – who really just want to see photos of kids, dogs and the occasional video of an aardvark befriending a meerkat. My hope is that this might offer a different perspective, or make you laugh, or maybe just distract you while you’re in one of the millions of lines that fill our Covid days.
If you enjoy this little page, then yay! If not, that’s okay too – we can still be friends. Thats how it’s supposed to work, remember?